Feel the Call of Your Soul
Holistic Guide and Healer, helping you step into your power
A Self-Mastery Course that Changes Your Life
Channelled wisdom teachings from the Ascended Masters
Become the master that you are ….Learn to resolve your self-limiting beliefs, which cause you to feel the victim of your circumstances and experiences, so that you can come into manifesting your highest potential and create the life your soul intended.
This course assists you through high-frequency activations and meditations channelled from the Ascended Masters to understand the ‘Light’ energy that you are and to shift any energy within your field that is not aligned to its divine truth that we are all light and have the power to manifest this divine truth at any time on the Earth.
You also receive many many tools to assist you in developing a deeper connection to this divine light that you can use at any time.
If you are interested in joining our next course, enter your details below.
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The Path of the One Heart School
One year : Online course
The Path of the One Heart Mystery School is a journey into the mastery of your soul mission
The Path of the One Heart School is a deep dive into your soul purpose as a lightworker. This training comes from the channelled wisdom of a group of 12 Christed Masters who taught the Essenes to be lightworkers thousands of years ago. These Christed Masters call lightworkers Jani Taras. They say that every Jani Tara has incarnated on Earth to serve the divine light and the awakening of humanity through their Mastery. But first, they say, you need to step into you mastery as a Jani Tara.
This School offers all Jani Taras a foundation on which to build their path to manifest their true soul mission on Earth. While this School asks a lot of you, it also offers you so much.

"Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart give yourself to it."

Inner Child Healing
Frozen in time, our inner child seeks growth through guided meditation. Let your subconcious take the lead.

Universal Rays Healing
Shift your consciousness to a new, heightened and en-lightened level.

Heal and exploration your body and a sacred experience of all that it holds.

Frequency Courses
Universal Ray™ Healing Training
2025 Dates to be confirmed soon
Become an accredited Universal Rays Healing™ Practitioner
Support yourself and others to release and resolve all that limits you from living your true potential on Earth.
Universal Rays Healing™ is a powerful transformational healing process offered through direct contact with the Ascended Masters of Light.
As a practitioner of the Universal Rays Healing you will learn to open your pillar of light to channel the consciousness of the Universal Rays.
"When you know yourself you are empowered. When you accept yourself you are invincible."
–Tina Lifford

Free Online Class
Kundalini Yoga Masterclass
One free class per month @ Sunday 10am (UK time)
Change your mood for the better
Kundalini yoga is a potent and effective system of self-transformation and personal development. Kundalini yoga stimulates individual growth through systematic techniques.
Kundalini Yoga incorporates various elements such as breathwork, meditation, and chanting. It aims to elevate one’s self-awareness and consciousness. At the core of Kundalini Yoga lies the untapped energy known as the Kundalini, which remains dormant at the base of the spine.
Training Course
Kundalini Yoga Training Course
Next Training starting 2025
…. do you feel the call of your Soul? Discover your light, your gift and live your truth on Earth
By deepening your practice in KUNDALINI YOGA and the UNIVERSAL LAWS you develop confidence, inner strength and balance. Your vitality increases, your nervous system strengthens and as your frequency increases so does your connection to ALL that is. Running parallel to Kundalini Yoga we will also look to integrate the shadow selves, the aspects that are in separation.
The Light of the Soul offers a Kundalini Yoga Training to bring the benefits of Kundalini yoga into your life.
This training will be led by The Light of the Soul team who are qualified teacher trainers with more than 50 years of joint experience. They assist students to transform their lives with timeless wisdom and Kundalini yoga technology.
Har Nal Kaur and a team of international teachers join their unique energies and perspectives into a powerful co-creation.
Join us to explore what Kundlaini yoga can do for you.
- 220 hr In-person course - Cost £1,990

About Har Nal
Har Nal Kaur is a Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer with Amrit Nam Sarovar International Yoga School and is based In Glastonbury. She runs many trainings and courses from her new home at the heart Chakra of the planet.
She was born in London, and grew up in the English countryside. She remembers how she loved spending hours alone as a child: in forests, listening to the trees and the silence, without the slightest fear. Fascinated by science-fiction and heroic fantasy, which were her hiding place, she was already convinced that an invisible force existed in everything, though she couldn’t explain it. Her contemplative nature led her to work in the realm of photography until Kundalini Yoga emerged in her life…
Har Nal is dedicated to uplifting and empowering the individual, and to this end she travels widely to teach and give workshops.

About The Light of The Soul
THE LIGHT OF THE SOUL offers Kundalini Yoga Training. A team of women who are qualified teacher trainers with more than 50 years joint experience. The aim is to assist people to transform their lives with timeless wisdom and Kundalini yoga technology.